Articles by Cindy Sullivan

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Cindy Sullivan

Cindy Sullivan

Manager | Modern Workplace

Cindy has 20 years of system analysis, design, implementation and development experience specializing in web development, application delivery and software integration for a wide variety of industries. When not thinking about enterprise communications, adoption and implementation, Cindy can be found hiking New England trails with her four dogs.

Blog Series: Get Ready for Your Microsoft Copilot Rollout

Our blog series highlights best practices for rolling out Microsoft Copilot, emphasizing security, data, and people.

Get Ready for Your Microsoft Copilot Rollout, Part 3: Adoption and Enablement

Microsoft Copilot adoption and enablement require careful change management. Here’s our tailored approach to ensure a smooth transition.

Help Your Teams Embrace Microsoft 365 With Communication and Training

Create a Microsoft 365 training communication, adoption and change management education strategy for success.

Office 365 Adoption and Training: How to Create Awareness Through Communication

Creating a communication strategy that focuses on increasing awareness is a powerful way to ensure you drive adoption of Office 365.