Indianapolis, IN – March 19, 2019 — Raquel Richardson from Centric Indianapolis presented to the Indianapolis IT Leaders group in March to share her perspective on mentoring in the workplace.

In addition to being a Centric Indianapolis lead, Raquel is the board president of the local chapter of Big Brothers Big Sisters, a national mentoring relationship that pairs adults and kids together for one-on-one mentoring relationships. Raquel took some of the values she has learned through her volunteering role and applied them to the workplace for this emerging leader group.  

Raquel’s Key Themes for Mentoring in the Workplace: 

  • Put your mentee first  Always. Seek to understand their needs, then put their wellbeing at the forefront of all decisions.  
  • Show up! — Do your best to never cancel your 1:1 time with your mentee, be on time when you do meet, and be consistent and reliable with your time, message, attitude and advice.  
  • Connect and cultivate your relationship — One of the best ways to grow together is by finding a new perspective to share.  
  • Think big — Believe in and encourage their potential. Explore what could be, then help your mentee break down steps to getting there. 
  • Celebrate the little things — Success always comes from the culmination of all of the little steps in route. When it’s frustrating for them because they’re not where they want to be, remind them how far they have already come. 

Raquel is always ready to talk about mentoring and would be happy to bring a message to your group or organization.

Learn more about Raquel and connect with her.