Members of Centric Cleveland Attend Ariel International Center Opening
Cleveland, OH – March 19, 2013 — Several members of the Cleveland team recently attended the opening of the Ariel International Center, a new center designed to support international business in Cleveland.
Entrepreneur Radhika Reddy of Ariel Ventures, LLC and her partners bought and refurbished the Leff Electric building east of Downtown Cleveland to support established businesses looking to get a foothold in America.
The ribbon cutting for the new Center was attended by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and other dignitaries and friends.
Pictured below is Matt Dierker, a Centric Vice President (left), Rahul Pavanan, a Centric Consultant (far right), as well as Obinna Muoh and Jibril Shehu, two alums and entrepreneurs from the Case Western University Weatherhead School of Management.