Enterprise Change Management

Change is inevitable. How you effectively navigate change is not.

Talk to an Expert

Enterprise Change Management (ECM) is the practice of building your organization’s change capacity and capability – your muscles — so you can proactively enable change for competitive advantage.

Unfortunately, few leaders responsible for managing change come equipped with everything they need to lead their organizations through change consistently at the enterprise level.  

Your leaders face the challenge of creating and implementing the governance needed for transformation to take hold and succeed. They also must procure the right resources to manage change, whether technological tools or outside help. Finally, they must have their fingers on the organization’s pulse to know if employees are experiencing “change saturation.” 

In other words, leaders have a lot of work to do to promote change as a capability, not a liability, within your organization. Building an ECM capability can help. 

Enterprise Change Management for the Future 

A good ECM program begins with a commitment to build your change capability not only for one project but also across multiple projects and even across the enterprise. It requires you to think through your methodology and tools, training approach, and integration with program and project management. It may demand greater commitment to process improvement or operational excellence. 

The bottom line: ECM is work. But just like the work you do to build any muscle, building your change muscle has benefits. Happier employees. Better processes. Greater consistency. No more re-creating the wheel for every new project. 

After all, in a world of evolving hybrid work models and increasing dependence on automation, ignorance of ECM and sound change management principles is not an option. The only option is to keep building your organization’s change muscle.  

Our Enterprise Change Management Services

Our goal is to help you build a comprehensive roadmap for developing your enterprise change management capability and then act as your guide and partner on your journey to execute your plan.

Establishing an ECM Practice

You need help making your current projects succeed by leveraging the same thinking, approaches and tools on every project, driving employee engagement and meaningful adoption each time.

We will help you plot your ECM journey in a way that makes the most sense for your business goals.

Maturing Your ECM Practice

To realize the benefits of ECM, we can help deliver practical actions so you can make meaningful progress.

Discover continuous improvement opportunities with an independent assessment to identify where to focus your efforts in building your ECM approach.

Building Internal Capabilities

You need leaders – and team members – who see change management as part of their day-to-day routine, not a once-in-a-while activity that only happens in “crisis mode.”

We’ll help reduce your reliance on external consultants by developing change management skills in-house for both leaders and employees.

Going beyond Change Management Certifications

Certification isn’t enough; your team needs to know how to apply that knowledge and tools to real projects in your company.

Develop a repeatable approach and delivery model that leverages the skills your change-certified leaders have acquired so they can drive adoption across enterprise-wide initiatives.


[Ebook] Rethinking Business Transformation

To truly transform your business in today’s climate, it’s essential you recognize that business transformation must be agile.

Learn how to build business agility throughout your organization to keep pace with rapid change.


Our ECM Approach 

We know change is hard. That’s why we work in partnership with our clients. We don’t offer prescribed or vanilla approaches. We listen closely. We capture the insights, lessons and learnings from your leaders and teams. We help you make sense of that feedback and plan the right next steps.

Everything we do is based on your unique organization and its needs. We know what it means to build a mature organization capable of handling change of all sizes. We’ll be your guide.

You can proceed with confidence, knowing that our seasoned team of consultants who have “been there, done that” will help you chart the right path, so you can continuously build your change muscle and turn change to your advantage.

A Long-term Relationship for Long-term Growth

Over our 16-year partnership with Centric Consulting, Centric has provided our company with qualified, seasoned leaders across multiple disciplines, including business analysis, data management, program management, and change management, and has led implementations of some of the most complex change programs. They have partnered to integrate and move large, complex customer portfolios from multiple business and product areas, realizing hundreds of millions of dollars of operational synergies in the process. Centric stands behind its company values and always goes above and beyond for the client, even if it results in short-term pain for the company.

Vice President, Enterprise Strategic Programs

We love our clients.

Want to learn how to navigate Enterprise Change Management so you can enable change for competitive advantage?