Learn how automation is transforming the way we do business and what it means for you.

At this year’s GeekWire Summit, technology industry leaders will talk about disruptive and innovative approaches to address some of the industry’s biggest challenges. Topping the list: How automation is changing the way we do business.

Self-driven cars, connected robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) require data management at an unprecedented scale. Add virtual reality to that, along with 3D printing, wearable technology and a whole host of other innovations, and you’ve got what Gartner calls The Digital Mesh.

From the backend perspective, we call it IoT Scale.

What It Is

By definition, IoT is the network of physical objects or “things” embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. IoT Scale refers to the enormity of data collected, analyzed and responded to in real-time to automate these “things” in the designated way for the person using them – and the technology automating them. Creating a platform that enables this type of rich communication across billons of data points demands the ability to scale at an unprecedented level.

How It Works

IoT scale involves a matrix of systems and services deployed simultaneously around the globe, activated with precision accuracy and the ability to not just reach specific devices, but to facilitate communication among them in real time. Then, collecting and analyzing big data to make predictive or reactive decisions based on business objectives. At Centric Seattle, we drive this scale by leveraging cloud-based deployment strategies, Microsoft’s Azure platform and cutting-edge tools to create a rich messaging platform. By augmenting that with custom .NET solutions, a robust reporting engine and predictive analytics, we can provide pinpoint visibility on how your customers are utilizing their devices and embedded applications.

Why It’s Important

The explosion of the Internet of Things (IoT) has added a level of complexity to IT and Marketing disciplines, providing new use cases to an already extensive array of devices and applications.

Engaging customers at different stages of their marketing journey requires creating personalized messaging, scenario-specific experiences and multi-channel campaigns. It also necessitates the ability to identify which devices customers use for specific tasks and adapt to new IoT devices that continue to evolve.

If your business involves automation, IoT scale ultimately ensures that you connect to the right customers, in the right way, on the right devices, at the right time.

Originally published in Geekwire.