Larry English

CEO & Co-founder

For a firsthand look at Larry’s insights into our remote work business model, read “Office Optional: How to Build a Connected Culture With Virtual Teams.”

Read the story of how our virtual consulting firm started — and how companies can follow suit with an office-optional culture.


More from Larry English

From Q-Day To AI Risks: The Cybersecurity Wake-Up Call For Leaders

Learn about about Q-Day and why it's time to start thinking about it and your cyberseucrity approach and response now.

Is Organizational Culture the Next Frontier for AI in the Workplace?

In this edition of "Office Optional With Larry English," Larry discusses how using AI can improve workplace culture in your organization.

6 Powerful Ways To Tap Into Employee Emotions To Accelerate AI Adoption

In this edition of "Office Optional With Larry English," learn how to encourage your employees to adopt your company's AI initiatives.

An Executive’s Crash Course In AI Agents

In this segment of “Office Optional with Larry English,” Larry gives an overarching look and what executives need to know about AI agents.

Office Optional: A Column by Larry English

Larry English, partnered with Forbes, shares his insights into continuing forward with a remote workforce. This is his Office Optional column.

AI’s ROI Can Be Elusive, but That Doesn’t Mean the Hype Is Misguided

Larry English talks about how though AI ROI may be hard to measure, that doesn't mean it's not worth the investment.