FastCompany Magazine recently talked to Larry English for an article about virtual coworking.
FastCompany Magazine, a world-leading business media brand, recently interviewed our president, Larry English, for its article, “Virtual coworking spaces aim to offer best of remote productivity and in-person collaboration.”
The article looks at new virtual coworking platforms in the market today, such as Groove, Cofocus and LifeAt, which allow people to work together yet separately. Leaders of these platforms suggest that some people find working from home distracting and sometimes lonely. Virtual coworking sessions help remedy these problems by providing structure and accountability to the workday. These sessions can increase productivity and create a sense of community for remote workers.
FastCompany interviewed English for his perspectives on the growing adoption of virtual and hybrid work. He said that virtual coworking spaces could offer the benefits of collaboration without having to share a physical space.
“Hybrid and remote work are very much here to stay,” English says. “The better you get at remote work and hybrid and asynchronous work, the less you go into the office. So, I think over time, we’re going to see people start with hybrid and increasingly move to remote.”
Click here to read the full article.