Articles by Erica Camiliere

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Erica Camiliere

Erica Camiliere

Director | Chicago

Erica has more than 15 years of experience leading projects and programs across industries including healthcare, insurance and legal. Her recent client work is in insurance, delivering strategic application development initiatives. She’s passionate about project leadership, establishing effective PMOs and building meaningful and lasting relationships with clients. Erica lives in the city and enjoys exploring her neighborhood with her husband and two sons. She’s also an avid traveler and runner.

Stories of How our People Have Created Unmatched Experiences for Clients

Read five stories from our people about how their colleagues have delivered unmatched experiences for clients. And learn what we mean by it.

Magic Monday: Five Ways to Deliver Excellent Customer Service

This article discusses the importance of delivering excellent customer service and provides five ways to keep customers coming back.

Magic Monday: Be Somebody Others Want to Surround Themselves With

Check out these tips on how to be someone others want to surround themselves with.

Fab Friday: Labor Day Edition

Take advantage of Labor Day to reflect on your work goals and develop new habits for a happier and more productive work life.

Magic Monday: One Idea, Three Facts and Five Tips

On this Magic Monday, we're featuring the Center for Creative Leadership's sound advice on why communication is so important for leaders. 

Magic Monday: Habits of Happy People

On this Magic Monday, Erica Camiliere shares some healthy habits that will brighten your week. Try out a few of these this week!

Annual Planning Process: The Project Intake Process

A PMO can demonstrate their value by playing a consultative role, gathering the right information and establishing a project intake process.