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Showing 13-24 of 67 results

How To Ensure Your Remote Workplace Helps, Not Hinders, DEI

In this segment of “Office Optional with Larry English,” Larry explains how to ensure your remote workplace supports DEI.

How to Ensure Every Generation Has a Great Remote Work Experience

In this segment of “Office Optional with Larry English,” Larry looks at generational views and preferences about remote and hybrid work.

Helping AMR Employees and Leaders Thrive in New Hybrid Workplace

We created a custom hybrid workplace strategy to help a management company seamlessly transition into a hybrid workplace model.

How Energy & Utilities Organizations Can Build Effective Remote Team Collaboration

Remote and hybrid approaches have drastically changed how utility companies work. Here are three approaches you can use to improve the remote experience.

Interviewing For Remote Jobs? A Guide to Evaluating Whether a Company Has Great Remote Culture

In this Office Optional blog, Larry discusses how you can discover if a company's culture is a good fit when interviewing for remote roles.

4 Essential Tactics for Building Influence in a Hybrid Setting

In this segment of “Office Optional with Larry English,” Larry share four important approaches to help you build influence in a hybrid workplace.

Do You Still Use Email to Collaborate With Other Companies? Here’s Why That’s a Mistake

In this segment of “Office Optional with Larry English,” Larry explains why it's time to move beyond email as your primary collaboration tool.

Remote Work with Agile Teams: What You Need to Know

We share a few tips that can help a remote agile team maintain their connection and productivity no matter where in the world they choose to work.

Why Offering Remote Work Isn’t Enough to Attract Talent In 2022

In the current labor market, offering remote work is no longer enough. Companies must invest in employee wellbeing, mental health, home office environments, leadership development, and social impact to remain competitive.

Centric Consulting Helps Pharmacy Retailer Reimagine the Workplace

We help a pharmacy retailer reimagine the workplace and transition into a modern, flexible environment with remote, hybrid and on-site teams.

The Risks of Doing Hybrid Yourself

In this segment of “Office Optional with Larry English,” we discuss some of the risks companies face when attempting to do a hybrid work strategy alone.

Rethinking Leadership for the Remote and Hybrid Workplace

In this episode of our Biz and Tech Talks podcast, we’re talking about how leaders need to rethink how they lead in the remote and hybrid workplace.