Centric is sponsoring an Amazon Web Services (AWS) event to talk about women in Big Data.
Join us at the Women in Big Data – AWS AI/ML Workshop in Minneapolis to hear our very own Carmen Fontana as a participating panelist.
We invite you to introductory and technical sessions including hands-on experience on the AWS Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Platform, hear success stories from our guest speakers, and connect with the AWS subject matter experts who can help you accelerate your machine learning efforts.
AWS’s long and rich heritage of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Solutions. This history includes personalized shopping recommendations, automated fulfillment and inventory management, robotic drones for fast delivery, a checkout-free computer vision retail experience with Amazon Go, voice interactions with Alexa, and a lot more.
Now, AWS is the center of gravity for Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning because of the massive volume of data stored and processed on our Big Data platform. Therefore, by lowering the barriers for AI/ML workloads with an innovative suite of products and services, AWS enables you to build machine learning powered smart applications to meet complex business needs quickly.
This event is most beneficial for groups or individuals wanting to learn more about:
- Our AI/ML theme
- Our Diversity theme
- Centric’s partnership with AWS