November 10, 2019 – Chicago, IL — Centric Chicago presented the final discussion in a series on “Integrating Change, Process, and Project Management” at a 3PM (Project, Program, and Portfolio Management) special interest group meeting.
Members of Centric’s Business Process Improvement (BPI) special interest group also attended the event.
Andrea Chang of the National Restaurant Association hosted the meeting, and Mark Buchynski presented a case for PMO and Business Process Integration.
Topics discussed at the meeting included:
- Emerging model of the disruptive PMO
- Defining the role of process excellence in the PMO
- Benefits of integrating the PMO and Business Process
- Ways to integrate PEX and the PMO
- Key decisions and common Pitfalls
The event was a highly collaborative session that included local executives interacting and discussing their experiences. One of the hot topics of the night: process maturity of organizations.
Centric Chicago will host another 3PM Special Interest Group (SIG) in February 2017. For more information or if you have questions, please contact Centric Chicago’s Jim McCarthy or Jennifer Hill.