Diversity & Inclusion

Showing 25-33 of 33 results

Centric Commemorates: AAPI Heritage Month

In this segment of Centric Commemorates, three of our teammates share their perspectives on Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Centric Commemorates: Gender Equality Month

 In this segment of Centric Commemorates, we hear from Ruth Harrell and her perspectives of gender equality.

Centric Commemorates: Black History Month

In this segment of Centric Commemorates, we hear from David Wilkinson and his daughter, Alexis about their perspectives on Black History Month.

Centric Commemorates: A Series About Our People, Culture and Commitment to D&I

Centric Commemorates is a new blog series where each month we’ll share, highlight and honor our people and their different celebrations or remembrances.

Diversity At Work: Thoughtful Actions Lead To Dynamic Teams

Cleveland's Joe Smucny posits that diversity and inclusion are values that are universal – and not exclusive of good business practices.

This September Centric Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

The Hispanic Heritage Month 2014 theme is "Hispanics: A legacy of history, a present of action and a future of success."  In 1968, Congress first designated the week including Sept. 15 and 16 as National Hispanic Heritage Week. This week

This March, Celebrate Women’s History Month

Celebrate women's achievements throughout history. ACM-W supports and advocates for women in computing, promoting diversity and community.

This February, Celebrate African American History Month

In February, African American History Month celebrates the contributions of African Americans to US society.

This December 10, Celebrate Human Rights Day

On December 10th, we celebrate Human Rights Day, recognizing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the work of the UN High Commissioner.