Amazon Web Services - Centric Consulting

Amazon Web Services

Optimize your cloud investment with our Amazon Web Services (AWS) offerings.


Understanding and implementing Amazon Web Services’ vast array of services can be overwhelming.

With millions of customers, tens of thousands of global partners, and dozens of products, it is hard to know where to start.

As an AWS Advanced Consulting partner, our team of AWS-certified professionals meet you where you are, working with you to develop a plan to accelerate your cloud adoption.

Like AWS itself, our experience ranges from storage and compute to app modernization and innovation. But we can help you sort through the AWS suite to identify the solutions that are right for your business, today and tomorrow.

Our Amazon Web Services Offerings

AWS offers more services, features and solutions than other cloud providers, serving businesses of every size facing every sort of problem. Our passion is working with you to identify the best AWS approach for your business so you can realize the agility, elasticity, cost savings and power to deploy globally in minutes that the cloud provides.

Cloud Strategy

Cloud technology, powered by tools such as AWS, is constantly raising the bar higher on service delivery and customer service.

But moving to the cloud will not help without a cloud strategy that helps you stay at the forefront of your business. 

We can help by identifying the right processes, tooling, standards and people your company needs to confidently deliver cloud software that aligns with your business strategy. 


AWS is helping thousands of companies around the world migrate applications, websites, databases, storage, physical or virtual servers, or entire data centers to the cloud.

Cloud migration can deliver substantial IT costs savings, improvements in productivity, business agility and operational resilience — but only if done right for you.

We help you determine which applications are the best candidates for migration in your business, and by which migration strategy, so you can prioritize your time and budget. 

Cloud-Native Development

AWS provides the flexibility to “lift and shift” applications, refactor them, or re-platform them to drive growth, increase efficiency and make the most of your existing investments.

 We optimize your cloud investment by refactoring applications and leveraging cloud-native technologies, such as Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate and Amazon Lambda, to realize increased scalability, flexibility and cost savings through serverless computing, containerization and more.


Our innovation services focus on the trends in technology and where they best fit your organization, including Alexa, AWS Machine Learning (Lex, SageMaker, Rekognition and more), AWS IoT (Greengrass, Core and more), and AWS Blockchain. 

Teamwork When It Matters

The contractors working with us from Centric are working out great in helping our team develop in AWS. They have not only been critical in getting work done, but also in helping our team come up to speed on AWS architecture and implementation.

Client Story

Using AWS to Streamline Deployment

Our eight-member team helped a leading government financial organization deploy a full AWS GovCloud implementation, achieving greater security, cost savings and scalability.

As part of the project, we also put a comprehensive change management strategy in place to ensure successful organization-wide adoption of new software implementations and operational practices.


View our AWS Marketplace Partner Listing

As an AWS advanced tier consulting partner, our experienced and certified team of AWS professionals can assist with your cloud needs.


AWS projects
AWS associate or professional architects
AWS certifications

Rethinking Business Transformation:

In an age of constant change, you must rethink the approach to transformation and technology delivery.

Through our webinar you’ll learn why modern software delivery is fundamental to successful business transformation efforts. Our white paper shows you how to thrive through disruption by transforming to become a modern software delivery organization.


Going Above the Cloud for Aviation 

Our client, a private business jet charter company, needed to eliminate its technical debt by modernizing its software, getting it to the cloud and making it work there.   

One near-term benefit: Migrating the company’s accounts payable software to the cloud cut its invoice rendering and archiving processes in half. Cloud migration also allowed them to retire long-term software contracts. However, we went a step further. We helped our client’s teams develop new ways of thinking about how the company was operating its data stores, centralizing its data, using API and more.  

Our client is now investing less money, time and effort on its own software solutions and deploying more “plug and play” applications. The result has been significant, long-term sustainable benefits that transcend cloud migration.


AWS Customer Review

We value your feedback. Please complete our AWS customer review so we can better serve you.

Our Amazon Web Services FAQs

It can be hard to know where to start when implementing Amazon Web Services’ vast array of services. Our FAQ section addresses the solutions that are right for your business, today and into the future. Read about our AWS approach for your business so you can realize the agility, elasticity, cost savings and the power to deploy efficiently.

What specific AWS services do you specialize in?
Our AWS experts specialize in Fargate, RDS, EC2, ALB, S3, CloudFormation, Athena, and many more.
How can your consulting services help with AWS cloud migration?
We help roadmap and make recommendations on what a cloud native approach should look like. This includes overall cloud strategy, governance and compliance, and automating it all through IaC, terraform, CDK, and other release and delivery platforms.
How do you handle cloud-native development using AWS?
We focus on a set of services that handle distinct functionality, allowing the client to scale faster on their cloud initiatives. We also bring a strong focus on resilience across services and applications. Our team excels in designing for a cloud-agnostic approach, ensuring ease of deployment no matter what cloud services we deploy.
What is your approach to developing a cloud strategy?
We take stock of what technology set the client is comfortable with, then align the cloud strategy to their current technical skills. If a shift in technology is agreeable, we prioritize training up the client resources in those new areas. Maintaining rock solid documentation and best practices is also critical to long-term success. We encourage a worst-case scenario approach so that others on the client’s team are prepared to pick up and lead in the event of a vacancy.
Can you provide examples of successful AWS projects you have completed?
Our consultants worked with a government entity to successfully migrate all their applications to a restrictive, GovCloud high trust environment. We also engaged with a multibillion-dollar bank whose systems required multi-region capability and IaC code. We set up an instance of a proprietary AI system in AWS GovCloud while also transitioning the platform from EC2 to docker swarm and Kubernetes based workloads. We’ve also designed and migrated multiple database systems to other cloud native services including SnowFlake, PostGREs, and Oracle.
What qualifications do your AWS consultants have?
As an AWS Advanced Consulting Partner, we hold qualifications across Advanced Tier Services, the Public Sector, Amazon EC2 for Windows Server Delivery, and more. Our team holds many certifications from AWS to Terraform certifications along with multiple years of experience with AWS. Our consultants are AWS certified in Devops, Sysadmin, and Solutions Architect, amongst others.
How do you ensure successful adoption of AWS solutions within an organization?
As with all change management, we see the internal client as paramount to ensuring the project is successful. We help cloud champions communicate the ‘why’, attain buy-in from upper management, and create training opportunities for the client’s current staff. Instead of seeing AWS as a threat, this helps teams view it as an upskill.

Ready to work with us to identify how Amazon Web Services can help your business?