Articles by Valerie French

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Valerie French

Valerie French

Senior Manager | Modern Workplace

Valerie has experience in the Microsoft collaboration stack, including Microsoft Teams. Valerie has worked with Microsoft 365 technologies for more than ten years. She specializes in governance, adoption and change management and is a certified Microsoft facilitator. When she is not working with clients, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her children.

Microsoft Teams and Frontline Workers: Overcoming Roadblocks to a Successful Deployment

In our final blog in our Microsoft Teams for frontline workers series, we discuss the steps to take to have a successful implementation.

Microsoft Teams for Frontline Workers: Improving Manufacturing Safety with RealWear

We look at how you can use RealWear together with Microsoft Teams to elevate frontline worker safety in this blog.

Microsoft Teams for Frontline Workers: Innovate Your Manufacturing Processes

As we continue to refine manufacturing processes, using Microsoft Teams allows us to reimagine the efficiencies of the frontline worker.

Microsoft Teams for Frontline Workers: Putting Collaboration on the Line

Frontline workers often feel disconnected from the company. Here's how you can use Microsoft Teams as a hub to join your entire business.