Articles by Jack Johnston

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Jack Johnston

Jack Johnston

Business Process Improvement Lead | Business Consulting Services

Jack has expertise in operational assessments, process improvement and design, and organizational development. Jack has worked in the consulting industry for over 20 years and is located in Charlotte, North Carolina. In his free time, he enjoys sailing, white water canoeing, and spending time in the nearby Smokey Mountains. Follow Jack Johnston on LinkedIn.

AI in Financial Services: Unlock Efficiency, Innovation and Customer Engagement

With the most recent evolutions of AI, financial services organizations can integrate it into their systems to prevent fraud and more.

How Business Process Excellence Ensures Successful Transformation

In the final part of this blog series, we look at the importance of process excellence through specific examples of successful business transformation.

People: The Foundation of Your Company, Culture and Process Excellence Programs

An organization is about the people who make it all work. They're the foundation of your company, culture and process excellence programs.