Technology Consulting Solutions

Tim Hoolihan

National AI Capability Lead | Cleveland

Ask Me About

Data Science, Analytics, Software Architecture, Strategic Planning, and Building Teams.

Get to Know Me

I am married with three young daughters. I am on the leadership council of The Bath Church and the organizer of the Cleveland R User Group. With what little time I have left, I like to run, read, watch movies, and explore new technology.

What inspires you and why?

My children, because I want to set an example to them of lifelong learning and helping others.

What’s your favorite book and why?

I don’t know that I could rank my favorites, but Moby Dick is a standout that comes to mind often. While reading it, it seems unnecessarily long. But when it ends, I was left with the feeling that I wouldn’t have fully appreciated the story without the feeling of a long journey with those characters, and the seasons and pacing that were included.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

To learn to judge actions, without judging people.

The Helping Gene

“I’ve heard it said to succeed at Centric, you need to have “the helping gene.” I find that to be very true and consistent with the culture here. Employees help each other generously, and bring that same empathy to how they help clients.”

Tim Hoolihan