Articles by Bethany Deeds

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Bethany Deeds

Bethany Deeds

Data Protection and Audit Manager | Cybersecurity

Bethany, CPA, CISA, CCSFP, CHQP, CDPSE, has expertise in cybersecurity frameworks, data protection, and controls consulting and auditing. Bethany has worked in audit and cybersecurity for 12 years and is located in Indiana. Bethany enjoys spending time outdoors with her family and contributing to the growth of her team. Follow Bethany on LinkedIn.

How to Avoid Breaching Data Privacy Regulations with Data Minimization

Data minimization is the data diet your company needs to reduce sensitive data and help you achieve compliance with data privacy regulations.

What is the Best CISO Reporting Structure for Your Organization?

We explain why understanding your organization’s relationship to and goals for cybersecurity shapes the reporting structure for your CISO.