I’ve been mentoring a University of Dayton student who is the CIO of the campus student-run business organization, Flyer Enterprises. Flyer Enterprises presently employs more than 185 students, and was founded by yours truly while I was a student there.
My mentee, Kyle Massie, is a senior at UD and pushed to secure funding for the organization’s first formal software development project. He hired the student staff and I’ve been coaching him on agile principles.
Kyle asked for advice on mobile, so I reach out to Michael McKinney. He later asked about core development practices, so I checked in with Shawn Wallace. Both McKinney and Wallace expressed interest to work with the students further, so Centric hosted the Flyer Enterprises development team at the Columbus Dev Studio on December 9!
From 6 until 9 p.m., we talked through a variety of topics over pizza, and Wallace and McKinney expertly translated their open ended questions into comprehensive answers without losing them with too advanced concepts or jargon.
Kyle’s note below expresses their excitement on the advice we were able to provide:
“Thanks again for an amazing session last night! We feel that we would not have been able to develop an application without last night’s session,” Kyle said. “Thank you for setting it up and bringing in Shawn and Michael. They were so great, and everyone on the team was blown away with how helpful and insightful they were… Thanks again!”
Thank you Shawn and Michael for volunteering your time!