Articles by Steve Jenkins

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Steve Jenkins

Steve Jenkins

Senior Manager | Columbus

Steve has more than 20 years of experience with Fortune 100 companies in multiple industries, including insurance, financial services, healthcare and retail. Steve has held diverse roles enabling strategic business initiatives, business unit transformation, organization redesign, talent management, leadership development and workforce integration and transition.

Intersecting Your Program Management Office and Enterprise Change Management Office

We explain how collaboration between your enterprise change management office and your PMO can streamline your strategic portfolio.

The Risks of Doing Hybrid Yourself

In this segment of “Office Optional with Larry English,” we discuss some of the risks companies face when attempting to do a hybrid work strategy alone.

4 Signs Your Hybrid Strategy Isn’t Working

In this segment of “Office Optional with Larry English,” Larry shares four signs indicating your hybrid strategy isn't working.

Going Hybrid Isn’t Simple, But It Is Necessary: Here’s How to Get Started

The 2021 Microsoft Work Trend Index highlights that 73% of employees want to continue working remotely. Companies need to strategize for a well-functioning hybrid workplace to avoid losing top talent.

Adopting a Culture of Agility in Today’s Changing Environment

Companies adapting to today’s new business reality must embrace business agility throughout their organizations. They need a culture of agility. Creating a culture of agility requires investment from leadership, encouraging discussion and collaboration to drive change and arrive at solutions.

5 Actions Every Leader Should Take to Build Trust During the Change Journey

In times of change, leaders can take practical steps to help their employees on their change journey—and to help them thrive on the other side.