The “How-to” page is where you will find all sorts of helpful information about your new website.

How-To Table of Contents


  1. From the Dashboard left-side menu, click ‘Pages’ (This will allow you to view all Pages that are currently built.)
  2. If you want to build a new page, select ‘Add New
  3. On new pages ‘Enter title here’. Upon saving the draft or publishing the page a URL will be auto-generated based upon what is entered into the “Enter Title” field. To change, click the Edit button that appears under field.
  4. If applicable, set the parent page under Page Attributes (in the right column.) This will set the url structure but NOT the visual display of subpages in the site navigation. You will need to add these in Menus (see below.)
  5. Under ‘Interior Header w/ Hero Image‘ you have additional (optional) fields.
    1. Enter a Title if you want to override the page name with a different h1.
    2. Title text is the smaller paragraph style content that aligns in the header tex box within the hero image.
    3. Header image – This is highly recommended on most pages though is not absolutely required (see Privacy Policy page as example).
  6. Enter content into wysiwyg editor (instructions below). This content will appear at the top of the page above any joined page blocks. You will want to include content here especially if you have a left nav and/or sidebar widget on this page. Most of your pages will use the page blocks to layout content.
  7. Enter SEO information in the Yoast SEO settings. (You will want to add specific Meta Title/Meta Description info for each page/post.)
    1. Use the social sharing tab in Yoast to set specific content for Facebook and Twitter.
  8. Marketo Page Owner Alert – When adding or removing an SO/IV/BU page or when modifying the page owner (e.g. someone new joins and is a co-owner of a page or an SO lead leaves Centric), it is critical to update the associated Marketo Contact Us Alert Program:
    1. Here’s is how to video –
    2. Here is a link to the Marketo program – – you will need Marketo login to do this
    3. Last – update documentaion. This is a link to the excel that documents the Marketo alerts program. Update the tab “current alerts” to reflect changes –
  9. Select any page blocks to join to the page by clicking name in the left window of Page Blocks box. Anything on the right will appear on the front end. (See Page Blocks section for details on how to build Page Blocks.)
    1. Click and drag to reorder. Click (-) to remove from page.
    2. Note: Page blocks need to be created before they can be joined to the page.
  10. Publish or Save as Draft (or Update to save edits) the page to save it.
    1. Remember, published page blocks will not be visible on a page until it has be joined to that page.

Content Editor (WYSIWYG)

  1. Type content directly into the wysiwyg editor or copy/paste from word processor with ease.
    1. When copying/pasting, ALWAYS use the ‘clear formatting’ button (small eraser icon) after pasting, and/or ‘paste as plain text’ (T on clipboard icon) before pasting.
  2. Use special characters button (Ω) to replace any special characters from pasted content. If not, the coding may be different.
  3. To add a horizontal line across the content space click on the ‘horizontal line’ icon ().

Font Styles

  1. Different header styles are preloaded in the (Paragraph) drop-down menu and are labeled (Header 1, Header 2, etc.) Please see the Content Styles page for reference to your site’s font styles. You will never have to select h1 as the page name or title override will automatically create the h1 for this page.
    1. Highlight the text and then select the desired font style
  2. Add ‘Intro‘ text styling by highlighting text and going to the dropdown menu Formats > Intro next to the header styling options.

Intro Style Example

Block Quotes (in Content Editor)

  1. Highlight text to be put into block quotes. (This will most likely be used in Blog/News.)
  2. Select block quote button () next to the Italics.

Links and Buttons

  1. Highlight the word/s which you want to create as a link and clicking on the insert/edit link icon (chain icon).
  2. Enter the destination URL directly into the field or performing search by beginning to type in the internal page or post you want to link to.
    1. For internal links, you can also insert the page url after your domain name. IE: would be: ( /about). Click the blue arrow ‘Apply’ button.
    2. For external links, insert the entire url ( To open external links (or a pdf or image) in a new tab click on the ‘gear’ icon to get more link options. In the popup window click “Open in a New Tab”. Click the blue arrow ‘Apply’ button.
    3. For telephone “click to call” functionality add “tel:” followed by the phone number (tel:8885551234).
    4. For email links add “mailto:” followed by the email address (
    5. To break a link, click on the link and then click the ‘Remove Link’ button (broken chain icon).
  3. To make a link into a button, highlight the link and in the Formats dropdown menu select ‘Button‘.

Button Example

Text BUtton Example

Inline Images

  1. To add an inline image (most likely used within Blog Posts), place your cursor on the area where the image should appear, and click ‘Add Media‘ button above wysiwyg.
  2. Select image or search using field in top right corner, select it, then click blue ‘Insert Into Page‘ button.
    1. You can also Upload a new file from your computer. Note: Images should be edited and cropped to the correct pixel dimensions before uploading. Jpgs and Pngs should be 72dpi. To keep page load times low we generally recommend that images be less than 250mb.
  3. Once the image is in place, click on image to reveal edit toolbar. Choose an alignment and click on the ‘edit’ pencil icon to control other setting such as link options.

SEO Settings

  1. Yoast SEO tab will automatically pull the page name and beginning content on the page as your Meta Title and Descriptions. Overriding these will allow you to control what text (and keywords) search engines will see here. Your custom page title should end with the site name. You will need to add this manually, it will not automatically appear when you customize the Meta Title.
    1. Enter Title tags (max. 70 characters including your site name)
    2. Enter Meta Description (min. 140 characters recommended)
  2. Social tab – These fields can be used to custom set the information that will display on social media when the page, post, etc is shared on social media. Mostly used for any pages, post, resources that will be shared on social media.
    1. Enter Title
    2. Enter Description
    3. Upload Image

Page Attributes

Underneath the publishing tools at the top right is Page Attributes. This is where you can assign a page to a parent page.

  1. If you assign a page to a parent page it will change the url structure of the page.
    1. If ‘new page’ is assigned to ‘old page’, its url will change to old-page/new-page
  2. You can set the order of pages in the visual navigation in Appearance > Menus. (directions below)

Leads Contact Sidebar

In the right column in the Leads Sidebar section you can attach a person from the Team Bio section in the right column of the page.

  1. Optional Title above the headshot and contact info.
  2. Join as many people as needed.
  3. Add any additional content below the contact info.
  4. Option to include a link and set link text.

Sidebar Widgets

This is a ‘three-step’ process. 1. Creating the sidebar widget content. 2. Creating the space on the page for the widget. 3. Joining the widget to that page.

  1. Create the sidebar widget – In the dashboard menu go to OMS Widgets > Add New. (you can view all existing widgets here)
    1. Name and add the new content for that specific sidebar. You have options for open content, image, video, map. Choose the correct item, and complete the entry.
  2. Create the space on the specific page for the widget – In Appearance > Widget Areas, create (Add New) and label a new widget area and assign it to the relevant page(s) with the check box fields below. This will create a sidebar widget area on the desired pages, like the content styles page. NOTE: if the page already has a Widget Area created, you can skip this step.)
  3. Join the widget to the space – Once the area is created go to Appearance > Widgets, select the widget area you created from the list on the right (newly created areas will appear at the top).
    1. Click and drag the OMS Persistent Widget tab from the options on the left into the desired “area” on the right.
    2. Click the drop down on the OMS Persistent Widgets and choose the entry you completed in OMS Widgets.
  4. If you are adding more than one sidebar element such as text, an image, etc., you only need to create one sidebar widget area.
    1. You have to drag/drop the OMS Persistent widget into the sidebar multiple times until all of your items have been added. Continue to select the different widget sections from the drop down menu. If you want to reorder them, just drag and drop!


Page Blocks

Page Blocks are created separately from pages, and then joined to the desired page(s). They do not appear on your site unless they are assigned to a page. You can either assign pages from the page block backend, or, from the page backend you can join created page blocks.

All Page Blocks

  • To view/edit existing page blocks, in the dashboard left menu, click Page Blocks/All Page Blocks. This will allow you to view all Page Blocks that are currently built.
    • From a page, you can also click on the “Edit” red button that appears in the upper right corner of each page block (you must be logged into WordPress) to edit that specific block.
  • Existing page blocks can be “Cloned” or “Copied to a New Draft” but you MUST rename and change the joined pages or duplicates will appear on those pages.
  • Page blocks may be used on multiple pages exactly as they are created (you may consider naming these starting with “Global”). Keep in mind that any edits made to this page block will be reflected across all occurrences of this block.

Add New

    1. To create new page blocks, in the dashboard left menu, click Page Blocks > Add New. You can also click “Add New” from the top of the All Page Blocks view.
    2. Enter title here
      1. Note: unlike page titles, this title is not associated with SEO in anyway.
      2. You will want to name it intuitively, such as starting with the name of the page this block will be joined to, followed by the block layout, and perhaps the beginning content of the block. This will make it easier to find to edit later. Example: “About – 5050 Our History”
    3. Select your desired Layout: Full Width, 2 Column, 3 Column, 4 Column, Custom Services, Custom Blog Posts, Custom Events, Custom News
    4. Follow more detailed instructions on Page Blocks Layout Instructions page for each specific layout option.
    5. Join this page block to specific page(s) here. Note: This page block will appear at the bottom of that page. If needed, you will have to go to back of the page to rearrange the order of the blocks.
    6. Save as Draft, Publish (or Update to save an edit) the page block to save it. Remember, even published page blocks will not be visible on a page until it has be Joined to that page.

Page Block Layout Options

Custom Post Types:

Team Bios

  1. In left menu, click Team Bios (This will allow you to view all existing bios.)
  2. To add a new bio, go to Team Bios > Add New (you can also do this from the All page.)
  3. Name the Bio detail page with the Persons Name (this will feed to the team page)
  4. In the right column select the Team Categories that apply to this person.
  5. Use the Title field if you need to overrider the Person (Page) name.
  6. Add a Header Image from the media library. (You can also upload a new image here.)
  7. Enter persons title in the Position and Role fields.
  8. Add optional Contact link
  9. Insert optional Quote header and testimonial. (For design purposes best to include both or none at all.)
  10. Enter main bio content in the wysiwyg.
  11. Join any page blocks needed for this page.
  12. Set any specific Yoast SEO meta information as you would on a basic page.
  13. Publish, Update, or Save as a Draft.


  1. In left menu, click Locations (This will allow you to view all existing locations.)
  2. To add a new location, go to Locations > Add New (you can also do this from the All page.)
  3. Name the location detail page with the Location Name (this will feed to the locations page)
  4. In the right column select the Location Categories that apply to this location. (Categories currently not being used.)
  5. Content entered in the wysiwyg will display on the location detail page.
  6. Enter image in the Featured Image to feed to the location landing page cards.
  7. Under Additional Page Content enter a title that would replace the page name, and Subtitle in wysiwyg. Enter Header Image for the header on the detail page (could match Featured Image above).
  8. Enter the Location Contact name, phone, and contact link.
  9. In the right column add any Lead Sidebar information needed.
  10. Join any Page Blocks created for this page.
  11. Set any specific Yoast SEO meta information as you would on a basic page.
  12. Publish, Update, or Save as a Draft.

Posts (blog)

These are built very similar to pages, but have a slightly different layout and required fields.

  1. In left menu, click Posts (This will allow you to view a listing of all created blog posts.)
    1. On this page you can highlight the star column on each post to make it ‘sticky’ and it will feed to the top of the blog landing page, out of chronological order.
  2. Posts also has a Categories taxonomy that can be used for filtering the blog. Each post should be assigned to the relevant categories.
  3. To add a new posts, go to Posts > Add New (you can also do this from the All page.)
  4. In the right column select the Categories that apply to this post. New categories can be added here.
  5. In the right column, add a Featured Image, be sure to use the recommended size so that all images will appear consistently on the landing page. This image will appear on the landing page, blog page block (featured), and large at the top of the blog detail pages.
  6. Enter blog content in the wysiwyg.
  7. Assign the author. You can assign up to 2 authors. When adding a single author or 2 authors fill in the AUTHORS block directly under the blog content wysiwyg. When adding 2 authors, you must also add both authors via the AUTHOR JOIN block (directly above the pageblock join.). Please see this video for instructions.
  8. Join any Related Content Posts to display below the blog content.
  9. Set any Yoast SEO meta information as you would on a basic page.
  10. Publish, Update or Save as a Draft.
    1. In the Visibility tab of the post to Sticky, this will make this post appear at the top of the blog landing page feed. See below for instructions on how to control the order of the “sticky” / featured posts.
    2. Under Published you can change the date to post date or schedule ahead when this post will appear.
  11. To Change the order of the featured / “sticky” posts on that appear at the top of the blog landing page feed
    1. From the dashboard, left sidebar menu click on “Posts”
    2. Once you see the list of all posts, click on  “Sticky” and then “Sort by order” in the horizontal menu
    3. To adjust or move the order of the posts hover over the row you want to move. Once you get the move icon you can drag and drop to adjust the order.


News posts function the exact same way that Blog posts do. Follow directions above.

Case Studies

Case Studies posts function the exact same way that Blog and News posts do. Follow directions above.


Partners post type does NOT have product detail pages. Additions to the Partners post type auto display on the landing page.

  1. In left menu, click Partners (This will allow you to view all existing locations.)
  2. To add a new partner, go to Partners > Add New (you can also do this from the All page.)
  3. Name the resource with the Partners Name (this will NOT feed to the partners page though)
  4. Add the image for the Partner Logo.
  5. Enter the external link to open in a new tab. If you do not want to link you can leave blank or use the url of the image (which will open in a new tab.)
  6. Publish, Update or Save as a Draft

To update the landing page image or page content go to Partners–>Partners Options

Media Library

  1. To view the Media Library click Media in the dashboard menu. (You can also go directly to the ‘Add New’ screen from here.
  2. To ‘Add New’ images/files, click the Add New button at the top of the page. Then drag and drop files into window or click Select Files button.
    1. You can add files directly to a specific folder, or drag/drop them later.
  3. Inside the Media ‘Grid’, media items are displayed in a thumbnail grid for ease of navigation. Click any media item to edit the image title, meta data, link options; however, we recommend that you use photo editing software like Photoshop before uploading images to Media Library.
    1. This is where you can find the unique URL for image and PDF, which can be used to link to ‘Download’ a PDF.
  4. Media library can be filtered by type or date and is searchable by title.


  • Edit the large text tagline in the footer.
  • Edit Social Media links in footer grey bar


Use menus to organize how you want the various menus to display.

  1. To add pages to your menus and to structure sub pages, navigate to Appearance > Menus in the left dashboard menu.
  2. At the top of the page, select the menu you want to edit from the dropdown, or select create a new menu.
  3. Adding Pages:
    1. Find the page you wish to add to your menu from the selection area on the left. Select all applicable pages and add to menu.
    2. Once in the menu, drag and drop the pages to reorder or set as sub pages.
      1. To set as a subpage, drag the page so it appears indented underneath the primary page.
    3. The menu label defaults to the name of the page but this can be overwritten. Click the arrow that appears all the way to the right of the page label and enter your title in the ‘navigation label’ field. You can delete menu items in this section as well.
    4. ‘Save Menu’ with the red button to the right.
  4. Adding ‘Custom Links‘ such as a phone number or external site page.
    1. To add a custom link to your menu, select ‘custom link’ from the left options area and ‘Add to Menu’.
    2. Add the URL and Navigation Label you want to display.
  5. ‘Save Menu’ with the red button to the right.

Mega Menu

The order of the Main Menu will affect the feed to the Mega Menu and the display on Tablet/Mobile devices. The order of the Mega Menu should match the Main Menu for best user experience.

To modify the arrangement of the mega menu go to the Main Nav menu and hover/click on the blue Mega Menu button on the top level pages (Business Consulting, Technology, etc.) tab. You can drag/drop to rearrange as needed. The first column (2/12) is an image widget, the second block is a text widget with a header and paragraph text (3(4)/12, the next column or two are the various second level pages.

*Technology is a unique instance. There are three ‘Custom Links’ made to display groupings of the second level. So you do not need to hide the ‘third level’ as noted below. The custom links have a class on them to make them non-linking. This does not affect the nesting of the url for the second level pages. 

The pages in the third level and lower will display in the mega menu unless you hide them from Desktop view. In the Main Menu, hover and click on the Mega Menu setting for that page. Check the box that says ‘Hide Item on Desktop’.  (If you do not want them to appear in the mobile menu either, then you can simple leave them off the Main Menu. Navigating to these pages will be dependent on the page content.)


Forms are first built in Marketo and then embedded on the Orbit site. You will need to toggle to the ‘text’ version of the wysiwyg to enter the short code from Marketo.



The homepage is a basic page made up with page blocks. The Homepage has an additional custom area called Slideshow. Do NOT use the Additional Page Content area, instead use the Slideshow to display a large image or video. When adding a video be sure to use the full urls, not shorted ‘share’ version.

Image Sizes

  • Homepage Hero: 1680px x 960px
  • Interior Hero/Header Image: 1680 x 415px
  • Image + Text Block Image: 1680px x 750px
  • Grid Block Square Image: 835px x 835px
  • Grid Block Rectangle Image: 835px x 415px
  • Industries Block Full-Width Background Image: 1680px x 600px
  • Testimonial (Person) Image: 300px x 300px
  • Full-Width Page Block Background Image: 1680px x 700px (min)
  • 3-column/4-column Page Block: 750px x 500px
  • Bio Headshot Images: 350px x 350pxSidebar Image (not bios, those are automatically pulled) : 750px x Any

Meta Titles

Note – This is the site-wide meta title. Changes here will impact every meta title on our website and how our pages could appear in the search results. It could also have an impact on our SEO and page rankings.

  1. To edit the site-wide meta titles go to SEO (in the sidebar) > Search appearance > Content Types.
  2. Find the content type you want to update
  3. Add (or delete) the variables you would like to have appear in the meta