Our Software Quality Assurance & Testing team provides lessons, tips and strategies to help testers of all experience levels with Cucumber.

The Cucumber automation framework has been around since 2008. But, given that different testing shops have different needs and skill sets, its adoption has been slower than expected.

Cucumber’s growth has also been hindered by the lack of information on the internet.

However, its ease of automation and strength as a collaboration tool continues to make Cucumber a BDD tool of choice among agile testing teams.

That’s why our Software Quality Assurance and Testing team wants to help bridge the gap of information with a blog series dedicated to providing lessons, tips and strategies that testers of all experience levels will enjoy and find valuable.

Learn how to build a working Cucumber test automation framework from the ground up as we provide detailed explanations to ensure testers have a solid understanding of what they are doing and why.

Read the Series

About our Software Quality Assurance and Testing Practice

Companies today struggle with rising testing costs and decreased testing effectiveness. The effort to improve performance and efficiency is exacerbated by incompatible tools, processes, and employee skill sets.

Our Software Quality Assurance & Testing Practice can help companies fix these issues by putting in place comprehensive quality assurance and testing strategies that:

  • Prevent defects through sound processes and controls
  • Detect defects through comprehensive testing strategies
  • Ensure product fitness – verify the end product meets customer expectations